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Rebecca Stetzer

How to respond when your doctor advises you to lose weight

You are in your doctor's office during a routine wellness exam or for an acute concern, and he/she brings up your weight. Do you:

A. Tell him/her to shove off and mind their own business

B. Shamefully look down and promise you'll do better next time

C. Ask him/her for recommendations on diets

D. None of the above

If you answered "A", good for you! ;-) In all seriousness though, this is a real scenario that happens every day for anyone whose BMI (Body Mass Index) puts them into the "overweight" or "obese" category. Doctors, like much of society, have been programmed with the belief that chronic disease and even some acute illnesses are caused by excess weight and therefore cured by weight loss.

But this is far from the truth.

While some chronic diseases like heart disease and diabetes have been correlated to weight in research, causation has yet to be proven. In other words, no one can say that being "overweight" or "obese" caused them to develop health conditions. More importantly, studies that look at weight loss as an intervention or treatment for diseases like heart disease and diabetes show modest weight loss and modest improvements in health markers in the short-term, but most people regain the weight that was lost and then some.

What good is weight loss as a treatment for disease and illness if 95 percent of people regain the weight?

Health At Every Size has been researched as an intervention for chronic disease without using weight loss as a treatment, and the results are promising. Basically, by facilitating behavior change in eating and exercise habits, as well as optimizing mental health and stress management, people can improve their heart disease, diabetes, blood pressure, you name it. And they don't have to undergo the stress of losing weight and regaining it again. How awesome is that?

So the answer to the above question should be..."D", none of the above. Instead, if you feel comfortable, have an open conversation with your doctor about how you can improve your health markers without losing weight. If your doctor either looks at you like you have two heads, or launches into a speech about the connection between weight and health, calmly request a referral to a registered dietitian who is familiar with Health At Every Size and Intuitive Eating. That will both satisfy the doctor's need to effectively treat you, as well as get you connected with a professional who can help you optimize your health without compromising your relationship with food.


Visit my SERVICES page to learn what health conditions I can help you manage with medical nutrition therapy. Send me a message or call if you have questions, or book a free 15-minute phone consultation to find out if we're a good fit!


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